

Thursday 27 February

08:30 - 16:45 Conference registration and enquiry desk open

10:25 - 10:30 Welcome and Introduction to Conference

Speakers: To be confirmed

10:30 - 11:30 Plenary 1: How can higher education providers ensure that their institutional strategies are fit for purpose today?

Speakers: Rachel Hewitt, Chief Executive, MillionPlus, The Association for Modern Universities; Vivienne Stern, CEO, Universities UK; Brooke Storer-Church; Vanessa Wilson, CEO, University Alliance

Further details to be confirmed

11:30 - 12:00 Refreshments and Exhibition

12:00 - 13:00 Workshops Block A

Workshop A1: Risk Register and Reporting

Speaker: Laura Knox, University of St Andrews; Brian Kennedy, Director of Planning, University of St Andrews

Further details to be confirmed

Workshop A2: Student journeys through Scottish higher education

Speakers: Naomi Jeffery, Head of Analytics, Scottish Funding Council

In this workshop we’ll explore how identifying and reporting student journeys can be used to develop and improve opportunities for students to achieve their best education outcomes.

Workshop A3: Lifelong Learning Entitlement

Speaker: Paul Smith, Head of Partner Services, Student Loans Company

Further details to be confirmed

Workshop A4: Getting it right: The UK Quality Code – developing advice and guidance
Principle 4: Using data to inform and evaluate quality & Principle 5: Monitoring, evaluating and enhancing provision

Speakers: Ruth Burchell, Quality and Standards Officer, QAA; Rebecca Robinson, Data Analyst (Higher Education Insight), QAA

The UK Quality Code for Higher Education was published in June 2024 including a new sector-led principle focussed on the use of data to inform and evaluate quality. We are now in the process of developing the advice and guidance that supports the Quality Code that offers further detail in relation to each of the Sector-Agreed Principles. We are scheduled to imminently start the process of development for Principles 4 and 5 and expect the content two sections of advice and guidance to compliment each other.
This interactive session will explore the new version of the code with a focus on principles 4 and 5. We will then seek feedback from participants about what would be helpful content in the advice and guidance that ultimately should enable better working between colleagues in quality and planning teams to enable the maintenance of standards and the enhancement of quality across UK Higher Education.

13:00 - 14:15 Lunch and Exhibition

14:15 - 15:00 Business Sessions

Business Session 1: To be confirmed

Speakers: To be confirmed

Further details to be confirmed

Business Session 2: To be confirmed

Speakers: To be confirmed

Further details to be confirmed

15:00 - 15:30 Refreshments and Exhibition

15:30 - 16:30 Plenary 2: Navigating the future of research and innovation in the UK

Speaker: Professor David Sweeney, Deputy Chair, Medr

To be confirmed

16:30 - 16:35 Closing Remarks

Speakers: To be confirmed

18:30 - 21:30 HESPA Awards Ceremony and Conference Dinner

Further details to be confirmed



Friday 28 February

08:30 - 15:40 Conference registration and enquiry desk open

09:30 - 10:30 Plenary 3: Planning in ambiguity - lessons learned from Canada

Speakers: Alex Usher

Further details to be confimed

10:30 - 11:00 Refreshments and Exhibition

11:00 - 11:45 Business Sessions

Business Session 3: To be confirmed

Speakers: To be confirmed

Further details to be confirmed

Business Session 4: To be confirmed

Speakers: To be confirmed

Further details to be confirmed

11:45 - 13:00 Lunch and Exhibition

13:00 - 14:00 Workshop Block B

Workshop B1: Mergers: The Bold Path to Higher Education Transformation

Speakers: Dominic Davis, Director of Strategy and Planning, City St George’s, University of London; Julie Leeming, Director of Planning, St George’s School of Health and Medical Sciences, City St George's; James Rolfe, Chief Operating Officer, Anglia Ruskin University; Dawn Taylor, Deputy Secretary (Compliance & Risk), Anglia Ruskin University

At a time where institutional size and shape are under intense pressure, mergers have surfaced as both a strategic necessity and a formidable challenge. This session will delve into the multifaceted journey of mergers, drawing insights from our speakers whose institutions have successfully navigated this complex process. They will explore the strategic drivers behind mergers, the regulatory requirements that shape them, and the cultural transformations they necessitate. Attendees will gain valuable perspectives on creating effective target operating models, managing stakeholder expectations, and leveraging mergers as a tool for growth and resilience. Join us to understand why understanding mergers is becoming an essential skill to survive and thrive in today’s dynamic higher education landscape.

Workshop B2: Strategic workforce planning

Speakers: To be confirmed

Further details to be confirmed

Workshop B3: Lifelong Learning Entitlement

Speaker: Paul Smith, Head of Partner Services, Student Loans Company

Further details to be confirmed

14:00 - 14:30 Refreshments and Exhibition

14:30 - 15:30 Plenary 4: To be confirmed

Speakers: To be confirmed

Further details to be confirmed

15:30 - 15:40 Closing remarks

Speakers: To be confirmed


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